Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Action Plan

Unit 1
Assignment 1.1 Part B 
1) Action Plan 
Challenge = Picture/Art collage for creative arts evening in response to theme '' Cool Britannia''

Week 1 
Create a mind map/ mood board with initial ideas of the theme ''Cool Britannia''. This should include images collected from the internet and/or own images.

Week 2 
Attend a relevant arts event to the theme and write a 300 word review evaluating it.

Week 3 
Attend another arts event relevant to the theme and write a 300 word review evaluating it.

Week 4 
Go over what things have been included in creative arts evening before and include photos.

Week 5 
Take your own images relating to the theme, post them and evaluate them. Also begin sketching relevant objects/concepts and create an initial design of the collage.

Week 6 
Find artists and workshops relevant to the theme '' Cool Britannia'' and write a 200 word review on each.

Week 7
Write up your arts CV. Choose three careers in the Arts you are interested in, write a summary of your qualifications, skills and why you are suitable. Help with planning creative arts evening.

Week 8 
Take more images and draw sketches relating to the theme and evaluate them. Help with planning creative arts evening.

Week 9
Taking into account all of the skills you have developed, artists, workshops etc create a final plan of your collage. Then acquire the materials needed to create it. Help with planning creative arts evening.

Week 10 
Create and develop Collage. Post pictures of your progress. Help with planning creative arts evening.

Week 12 
Showcase finished collage at GHS creative arts evening. Post pictures of creative arts evening and finished collage.

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